The Robert Zhong Award

The Robert Zhong Award

In 2007, at the Executive Committee Meeting the Board of the Society decided to establish the Robert Zhong Award for young researchers.

In 2008 and in 2010 the Award’s prize was donated by Prof. Iren Miko, Prof. Istvan Furka, Dr. Norbert Nemeth and Dr. Endre Brath of Hungary. From 2012 the ISEM and the Congress Organizers donates the Award.

The Recipients of this Award:
  • 2008 Mei Yang (Shanghai, China) and Yinghua Tian (Zürich, Switzerland)
  • 2010 Alessio Baccarani (Modena, Italy)
  • 2012 Zoltan Klarik (Debrecen, Hungary)
  • 2014 Corrado C. Campisi (Genova, Italy)
  • 2016 Georgios Pafitanis (London, UK)
  • 2018 Balazs Szabo (Debrecen, Hungary)
  • 2021: Alberto Ballestin (Spain)
  • 2023: Laszlo Adam Fazekas (Hungary)
The 14th Congress of the ISEM (2018)

The Robert Zhong Award has been announced again for the next congress of the ISEM (23-25 August, 2018, Debrecen, Hungary).

Selection criteria:

  • Age under 35, member of the ISEM
  • Work on microsurgical research to be presented at the ISEM Congress
  • Submission of an application that includes:
    • accompanying letter
    • curriculum vitae
    • copy of the submitted congress abstract
    • extended, 4-page summary of the work to be presented (figures and references allowed)

The application has to be sent to the congress president (e-mail:
Application deadline: 23 April, 2018 (same as the official abstract submission deadline of the congress).

The final decision will be made by the Jury (from ISEM Board Members) based on the application and the live presentation at the Congress. The Robert Zhong Award includes an official certificate and 500 USD.

ISEM’s Certificate
for Young Researcher’s outstanding contibution to Experimental Microsurgery

2012 Corrado C. Campisi (Genova, Italy) - lymphatic microsurgery

Certificate of Merit

2016 - Shiguang Qian (Cleveland, USA), past-president and past-treasurer – for his outstanding contribution to the Society’s life, its maintenance and progression.
2016 - Hao Wang (China) - for the successful organisation of the 13th Congress of the International Society for Experimental Microsurgery
2018 - Iren Miko (Hungary) for long lasting involvement and support to ISEM, mentorship and organization of the 7th ISEM Congress (2004)